9 February 2017

A district court of Barcelona agrees to hear a complaint against judge Santiago Vidal


The head of the Examining Magistrate’s Court no. 13 of Barcelona, Juan Antonio Ramírez Sunyer, agrees to hear the complaint filed by Miguel Durán Calvo (lawyer, Ciudadanos candidate in the 2009 European elections, talk show host of the Intereconomía programme El Gato al Agua) against the judge and former ERC senator Santiago Vidal following Vidal’s statements about the fact that the government of Catalonia would have the tax data on Catalan citizens. This case will eventually be used to investigate the organisation of the referendum. Ramírez Sunyer, who is conservative, was already a controversial judge due to his actions in cases such as Can Vies and for starting proceedings in 2015 against the general director of the Mossos d’Esquadra, Albert Batlle, and president Artur Mas, for not preventing whistling against the Spanish anthem during the Copa del Rey final match.

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