Supreme Court judge Pablo Llarena expands the case for prosecution of the leaders of the 1 October referendum to include ERC secretary-general Marta Rovira, the former president and the spokesperson of the parliamentary party the CUP, Mireia Boya and Anna Gabriel respectively, the president and general coordinator of PDeCAT, Artur Mas and Marta Pascal respectively, and the president of the Association of Municipalities for Independence (AMI) and mayor of Vilanova i la Geltrú, Neus Lloveras. Boya and Gabriel submit an appeal to the Supreme Court questioning the court’s competence. The Court rejected their appeal on 29 January 2018 and they submitted an appeal for protection before the Constitutional Court.
26 December 2017
26 December 2017
22 December 2017
Llarena expands the case for prosecution of the leaders of the 1 October referendum to include Rovira, Boya, Gabriel, Mas, Pascal and Lloveras
21 December 2017
Parliament of Catalonia elections held
18 December 2017
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