The investigating judge of Operation Judas, Manuel García-Castellón, prosecutes the 13 members of the CDR that have been arrested in the context of the operation on charges of belonging to a terrorist organisation, and nine of them, additionally on additional charges of possession, storage and manufacture of explosive and flammable devices and substances or their components of a terrorist nature. The National High Court claims that the accused are members of the Tactical Response Teams, a ‘terrorist organisation operating in parallel to the CDRs.’ The judge also imposes a bail of 1,000 euros, which the prosecuted must pay within 24 hours. In October, the judge rejects the defence’s request to declare the proceedings null and void on grounds of their having detected that they have not been given access to a secret cause that motivated the operation, among other things.
20 September 2021
15 September 2021
14 September 2021
Operation Judas: The National Court prosecutes the 13 suspects
11 September 2021
11 September 2021
The pro-independence demonstration on the National Day of Catalonia is back
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