1 April 2003

The Mossos d’Esquadra and the Spanish police arrest Jordi Vilaseca by orders of Baltasar Garzón and they torture him


The Mossos d’Esquadra and the Spanish police arrest activist Jordi Vilaseca, by orders of Baltasar Garzón, judge of the Central Investigating Courts number 5 of the High National Court, under the Antiterrorist Law. The young man of Torà is arrested, with a huge police deployment, for allegedly attacking bank offices with incendiary devices. Vilaseca will spend 5 days in incommunicado detention and will be admitted in the hospital and, after that, to an intensive care unit, due to the tortures suffered while under arrest, and amphetamines are found in his urine. His lawyer and Alerta Solidària association denounce the assaults suffered by Vilaseca, that will file a lawsuit against the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Policía Nacional. Two other young men from Torà, Jordi Torné i Antoni Codina, will also be arrested during the following days. The three of them will be heard before the National High Court and will be transferred to prisons in Madrid. The young men will be released from prison on 9 June on a bail of 30,000 euros each. The judge of the National High Court had already led a repressive raid against the independence movement in the    summer of 1992, right before the Barcelona Olympic Games were held, in the termed ‘Garzón Operation’, that consisted in indiscriminate arrests and torture.

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