13 December 2017

Two mayors and a councillor for Bages summoned to give evidence for an alleged crime of disobedience for their role during the 1 October referendum


The Second Examining Magistrate’s Court of Manresa which has centralised the investigations relating to the 1 October referendum in the Bages region, summons the mayor of Fonollosa Eloi Hernàndez and the mayor of Callús Joan Badia to give evidence in the case for an alleged crime of serious disobedience. The judge also summons the town councillor for Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, Jordi Pesarrodona, to give evidence for disobedience. All three will testify between February and March 2018, and are reported to be under investigation for their role in the 1 October referendum. On the day of his statement, Joan Badia adheres to his right to remain silent, considering that it is a matter of revenge, because it was the Civil Guard who reported them.

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