The Association of Municipalities for Independence reports that of the 712 mayors who were to be investigated for having assisted with the organisation of the 1 October referendum, only 78 have in fact been investigated. Of these cases, most (62) have been dismissed, 10 have been referred to the courts for further investigation and there have been no decisions yet on the remaining six. The mayors were supposed to be investigated by the Catalan Prosecutor’s Office, on the orders of the Spanish Prosecutor-General’s Office, for having provided the Government of Catalonia with the municipal facilities needed for the 1 October referendum.
18 March 2019
18 March 2019
14 March 2019
78 mayors under investigation for the organisation of the 1 October referendum
11 March 2019
10 March 2019
The political prisoners of 1 October are their parties’ leading candidates in the general elections
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