Abel Mora is imprisoned in Brians prison on the same day that the Amnesty Law is passed, to serve a sentence of three years and nine months, as a co-author of a crime of injuries with treachery and the aggravating circumstance of hate. Mora was sentenced for his involvement in an assault to a man with a flag and a cap of Spain in Barcelona metro on 10 November 2018, even though he denied the assault. On that day, Jusapol did a demonstration in Barcelona to pay tribute to the policemen of the baton charges of the 1 October referendum. The Spanish Supreme Court upheld the sentence.
9 June 2024
European Parliament elections are held
30 May 2024
Imprisonment of Abel Mora for an assault against a Jusapol protestor
12 May 2024
Elections to the Parliament of Catalonia
25 April 2024
Billy goes to trial for his participation in the protests against Pablo Hasél’s imprisonment
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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