They were announced by President Artur Mas in an appearance at the Palau de la Generalitat with the leaders of the parties that support him, Jordi Turull, Joana Ortega and Ramon Espadaler (CiU); Oriol Junqueras and Marta Rovira (ERC); Joan Herrera (ICV); Joan Mena (EUiA); and David Fernández (CUP). The consultation is called for 9 November 2014, with two questions: ‘Do you want Catalonia to become a state?’; and ‘If so, do you want this state to be independent?’ It was also decided to ask the Congress of Deputies to to give the Catalan government the authority to call a ‘consultative referendum.’
3 March 2014
16 January 2014
12 December 2013
Announcement of the date and question of the consultation
5 December 2013
11 September 2013
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