27 September 2015

Plebiscite in the Parliament of Catalonia


President Artur Mas had proposed the elections as a plebiscite on independence. Participation was 74.9% of the census, and the results gave the absolute majority to pro-independence candidates with 47.8% of the votes. Specifically, Junts pel Sí (JxSí), the unitary candidacy of Convergència and ERC led by Raül Romeva, Carme Forcadell, Muriel Casals, Artur Mas and Oriol Junqueras, wins 62 seats, and the CUP led by Antonio Baños wins 10. The non-independentist candidates: Ciudadanos (Inés Arrimadas), PSC (Miquel Iceta), Catalunya Sí que es Pot (CSQP) (Lluís Rabell) and PP (Xavier García Albiol) earn 25, 16, 11 and 11 seats, respectively.

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