13 May 2019

The Central Electoral Board bans Junqueras and Comín from participating in TV3’s election debate


The Provincial Electoral Board of Barcelona dismisses the appeal brought by Ciudadanos and the PP against the remote participation of Oriol Junqueras and Antoni Comín in TV3’s European election debate. Ciudadanos appeals the decision before the Central Electoral Board and the following day, the day of the debate, the Central Electoral Board denies Junqueras permission to participate from prison and accepts the appeal filed by Ciudadanos against the Provincial Board’s decision to authorise Toni Comín to participate online, meaning that the candidates prosecuted for the 1 October referendum cannot take part in the debate. Finally, Jordi Solé and Aleix Sarri, representing ERC and JxCat respectively, will attend the debate, though Sarri will leave in protest as soon as it begins.

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