The Civil and Criminal Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia sends a letter to Supreme Court judge, Pablo Llarena, proposing that he takes over the case against the president of the Association of Municipalities for Independence (AMI), Neus Lloveras, and the president of the Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM), Miquel Buch, following the report filed against them by the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of Catalonia on 14 September 2017 in connection with their involvement in organising the referendum, and to include it in the ongoing case against former members of the Government and the Bureau of the Parliament, among others. On 9 July, Llarena refuses to take on the case, which therefore remains in the hands of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia.
19 February 2018
19 February 2018
18 February 2018
The High Court of Justice of Catalonia proposes that the Supreme Court should take over the case against Neus Lloveras and Miquel Buch
14 February 2018
Mireia Boya makes statement to the Supreme Court in connection with the 1 October referendum
12 February 2018
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