16 January 2020

The Prosecutor’s Office opposes prison leave for the pro-independence leaders because they do not show remorse and have not been ‘re-educated’


Lledoners prison grants a first prison leave to Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart, the leaders of the 1 October referendum who have been in in prison the longest. The Prosecutor’s Office appeals before the Penitenciary Supervision Court, which will approve the leave for both Sànchez and Cuixart. The Prosecutor’s Office will in turn appeal before the Provincial Court of Barcelona, alleging that Cuixart and Sànchez have not recognised their crime, expressed remorse or undergone a specific treatment programme for sedition. In Cuixart’s case, the Prosecutor’s Office argues that the leader of Òmnium has not been ‘re-educated’. The Provincial Court of Barcelona will ultimately uphold the prison leave for both men. In the following months, the Prosecutor’s Office will also challenge, with similar arguments, the leaves granted to the other prisoners convicted for the 1 October referendum (Junqueras, Romeva, Bassa, Turull, Forn, Rull and Forcadell) but the courts will again uphold them.

Post 756
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