The former CUP MP for Sant Andreu district of Barcelona, Ivan Altimira, under investigation for an alleged crime of resisting authority, makes a statement before the court of inquiry investigating the case against David Carmona, a member of the CUP arrested on the evening of 16 September in La Sagrera following an event promoting the referendum. Altimira had been reported days after Carmona’s arrest but initially the court had dismissed Altimira’s case and proceeded only with Carmona’s case. This was reviewed by the City Police and the instruction now continues for both. Once the investigation is closed in February 2019, the trial commences and the Prosecutor’s Office sentences Carmona to two years in prison and a 720 euro fine for the crime of attacking authority and minor injuries, as well as a one year prison sentence, with the same fine for Altimira for the crime of resisting authority and causing minor injuries.
14 February 2018
Mireia Boya makes statement to the Supreme Court in connection with the 1 October referendum
12 February 2018
9 February 2018
The Prosecutor’s Office requests prison for two CUP militants for refusing to identify themselves during an event promoting the 1 October referendum
7 February 2018
7 February 2018
A mechanic from Reus testifies in court for having refused to repair a Spanish police car
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