Neutrality of the Prosecutor's OfficePoliticisation of justiceRights to free expression and assembly
Based on a report from the Civil Guard, the State Prosecutor’s Office submits a lawsuit for ‘glorification of terrorism’ against the CUP MP Albert Botran, the spokesperson of Poble Lliure Guillem Fuster and the members of Poble Lliure Marcel·lí Canet, Marcel Casellas, Toni Casserres, Josep Maria Cervelló and Ferran Dalmau. The accusation is due to a tribute to Julià Babia, a pro-independence activist of the EMoviment de Defensa de la Terra (MDT). The event held on 11 February 2017 in Castelló de Farfanya (Noguera) commemorated the 30th anniversary of Babia’s death in a traffic accident. The National High Court starts proceedings and summons the accused to testify on 22 November as the parties being investigated.
25 September 2017
The Civil Guard closes the ANC website and 140 other domains without prior warning
25 September 2017
24 September 2017
The State Prosecutor’s Office submits a complaint against several pro-independence supporters for glorification of terrorism
23 September 2017
The Ministry of the Interior takes over the coordination of all the security forces
22 September 2017
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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