21 March 2018

The Supreme Court moves forward to imprison Turull, Romeva, Rull, Bassa, Forcadell and Rovira


Magistrate Pablo Llarena summons the parties involved in the 1 October referendum case for 23 March to notify them of the interlocutory order of prosecution and rule on their imprisonment. Specifically, this involves Raül Romeva, Josep Rull, Dolors Bassa, Carme Forcadell, Marta Rovira and Jordi Turull, who is expected to be the new candidate for presidency of the Government of Catalonia. Among all the former members of the Government under investigation who have not been imprisoned and remain in Spain, he has only summoned those who are still active in politics (all four are members of parliament) but not the two who did not run for the elections (Meritxell Borràs and Santi Vila) nor Carles Mundó, who did not take his seat as minister.

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