7 March 2023

Barcelona Provincial Court dismisses the appeals against the dismissal of investigating proceedings of 7 out of 8 teachers of IES El Palau de Sant Andreu de la Barca that were still prosecuted


All dismissals of the cases of 9 teachers but one had been appealed by the Public Prosecutor and the Asociación Española de la Guardia Civil and were pending appeal before Barcelona Provincial Court. The Public Prosecutor considered, inter alia, that the facts did not fall within the scope of the freedom of expression. Now, Barcelona Provincial Court dismisses all appeals but one, overturns the dismissal of the latter. The Provincial Court finds that there is no criminal indication. And, that, for example, the allegations against one of the teachers, of saying ‘angry dog” to the Guardia Civil and asking who of the students were their sons, is not considered degrading, humiliating and discriminatory treatment for criminal purposes.

Post 1156
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