14 February 2023

Barcelona Provincial Court orders investigation on Albert Royo for the 9 November consultation


The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office had requested to investigate Royo for embezzlement for some 9 November consultation expenses, in the proceedings of Investigating Court number 18, that is currently investigating the foreign affairs policy of the Government of Catalonia between 2011 and 2017. The Court had decided to dismiss that part of the investigation, for the crime of embezzlement, as the 9 November consultation sentence did not convict neither Mas, Ortega nor Rigau for that crime. Nonetheless, the Prosecutor’s Office appealed against the decision, and now Barcelona Provincial Court ahs decided that this expenses must be investigated, even though there is a final judgment on the 9 November consultation. The expenses consist of trips of 8 MEPs and the production of 20 videos to promote the consultation.

Post 1151
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