22 February 2023

Barcelona Provincial Court sentences five out of seven independentists that participated in the demonstration for the failed investiture of Puigdemont


The accused participated in the demonstration in Ciutadella on 30 January 2018 for Carles Puigdemont’s investiture. The judgment sentences them for a crime of assault on the authority to sentences between 5 months and 1 year in prison. One of the accused is acquitted. Finally, Josant’s trial was annulled and his case is back to a investigating court. The judgment considers that the convicted assaulted the agents that were with another demonstrator and another violently and repeatedly confronted law enforcement, but there is no record of him attacking any agent. In addition, they state that two protestors had pushed the police cordon with a banner that was blocking a Ciutadella access and assured that two more pushed the police cordon. They are not sentenced, as the Prosecutor’s Office had requested, neither for the crime of minor injuries nor for public disorders.

Post 1153
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