The courts enforce the sentence of disqualification of town mayor for Berga Montserrat Venturós meaning she effectively loses her position of mayor and town councillor for six months. None of the parties put forward any candidate for mayor, and the CUP councillors, to whom the position corresponds according to the law, do not accept it. This means that the functions of the mayor’s office pass over to the current first lieutenant, Oriol Camps (CUP), but he won’t become mayor. Venturós will regain her position as councillor and mayor after the May 2019 municipal elections.
8 October 2018
8 October 2018
The Constitutional Court admits the appeal by Homs against the 9 November sentence
4 October 2018
Berga town mayor, Montserrat Venturós is disqualified
2 October 2018
1 October 2018
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