2 October 2018

Parliament votes on the agreement between JxCat and ERC regarding the suspension of the ministers prosecuted for their involvement in the 1 October referendum


The Parliament of Catalonia’s plenary session votes on a compromise regarding the effects of the ministers’ suspension for rebellion related to their prosecution for involvement in the 1 October referendum (Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras, Jordi Turull, Raül Romeva, Josep Rull and Jordi Sànchez). After a tense debate, the plenary session votes on a verdict by the Committee for the Ministers’ Statute which proposes firstly, to agree on the suspension and secondly, to allow the suspended ministers to appoint another minister to exercise their parliamentary rights. By dividing the vote into two points, pro-independence groups can reject the suspension and at the same time approve the mechanism for appointing a substitute minister with votes by JxCat, ERC and En Comú Podem. Ciudadanos, the PSC and the PP do not participate in the vote. In the afternoon, Quim Torra opens the first general policy debate for the Twelfth legislature. The next day, the suspended ERC ministers appoint fellow deputy Sergi Sabrià to replace them for the duration of the suspension. The suspended member of JxCat do not follow suit as they consider this unnecessary since the plenary session rejected their being suspended.

Post 517
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