8 October 2018

The Bureau of the Parliament definitively suspends JxCat ministers prosecuted for the 1 October referendum


The Bureau of the Parliament meets before resuming the suspended general policy debate on 4 October and definitively rejects the delegation of votes by the suspended JxCat ministers prosecuted in relation to the 1 October referendum (Carles Puigdemont, Jordi Turull, Josep Rull and Jordi Sànchez) with favourable votes by the ERC and the PSC. The Bureau therefore follows the guidance of the report submitted by Parliament lawyers the previous day at the request of the Bureau. JxCat continues to refuse to appoint substitutes so the suspended ministers are deprived of exercising their vote. Turull, Rull and Sànchez will no longer get this back because in May 2019 they give up their seat in the Spanish Congress. On the other hand, Puigdemont recovers his rights as an MP following the judgment for the case, in October 2019. On 9 January 2019, Puigdemont filed an appeal to the Constitutional Court against the Bureau’s decision.

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