Clara Ponsatí does not appear before the investigating judge in the case against the leaders of the 1 October Catalan independence referendum in the Supreme Court, Pablo Llarena, thathad summoned her the 24 April, on the day of the illegal arrest of the MEP in Barcelona, on 28 March, upon her return from exile. Ponsatí, however, files submission whereby it states that Llarena has to suspend the procedure until the European Parlament has dealt with her request of protection of immunities, according to the CJEU’s case-law. The request is in the European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee, chaired by Adrián Vázquez (Ciutadans). The rapporteur of the request will be Angel Dzhambazki. Llarena, however, does not issue a new national arrest order for the MEP. The Prosecutor’s Office and the State Attorney ask for her to be summoned again. However, Llarena on June 21, issues a new national arrest warrant against Clara Ponsatí.
28 March 2023
28 March 2023
Clara Ponsatí returns from exile and is illegally arrested
24 March 2023
Clara Ponsatí does not appear before the Supreme Court
22 March 2023
17 March 2023
Pablo Hasél announces that he has just finished serving his first sentence
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