28 March 2023

Clara Ponsatí returns from exile and is illegally arrested


Clara Ponsatí returns to the Principality and appears in a press conference in the Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya. In the press conference, Ponsatí explains that the aim of the conference is to present the website ‘ruleoflaw.cat’. Ponsatí affirms that: ‘I did not come here to make any pact with the State, but to denounce the systematic violation of our rights, the passivity of the Catalan institution, and the need for the European institutions to stop looking the other way before this systematic violation of the rule of law in Catalonia. I have been doing it since I was elected as MEP of the European Parliament. Upon her exit from the press conference, while she was on her way to the Oficina Europarlamentària in the Born, alongside her lawyer Gonzalo Boye, a Mossos d’Esquadra agent in civillian clothes approaches her and, in spite of the warnings of the MEP regarding her immunity, and after showing him her badge, she is illegally arrested. The agent makes her enter the police car, among shouts of protest of people that had joined her, and he takes her to the Ciutat de la Justícia. The defence files an habeas corpus for the illegal arrest. Finally, Ponsatí is released and Llarena summons her to the Supreme Court for the 24 April.

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