The Prosecutor’s Office is filing a complaint to the High Court of Justice of Catalonia against Carme Forcadell and three other members of the Parliament Bureau for prevarication and disobedience for having allowed the vote on the resolution on holding a referendum (306/XI). The other three parties are Lluís Corominas, Anna Simó and Ramona Barrufet. Joan Josep Nuet is excluded because the prosecution deems that ‘unlike the defendants, he did not intend to violate the mandates of the Constitutional Court or to carry through a project with total contempt for the Constitution.’ This is the second of 4 complaints that the Prosecutor’s Office will end up submitting against Forcadell for having allowed debates and votes in the plenary session. On 28 February, the court agreed to hear the complaint and added it to the case it already had against Forcadell.
13 March 2017
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23 February 2017
Complaint against Carme Forcadell and three other members of the Bureau of Parliament for prevarication and disobedience
21 February 2017
Rapper Valtònyc sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison for the content of his songs
14 February 2017
The Constitutional Court nullifies the Parliament’s resolution on holding the referendum
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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