The National High Court condemns the singer for the content of his songs for crimes of glorification of terrorism and humiliating victims, slander and lèse majesté against the Crown and threats. The Court deems that the rapper’s songs are not protected by the right to freedom of expression or artistic creation. The court also makes him pay compensation of 3,000 euros for the crime of making threats. On 28 April, Josep Valtònyc appeals the ruling to the Supreme Court. On 25 February 2018, the Supreme Court dismisses the appeal. Subsequently, Valtònyc files an appeal for protection to the Constitutional Court.
3 March 2017
The Statutory Guarantees Council issues an opinion on the 2017 draft budget
23 February 2017
21 February 2017
Rapper Valtònyc sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison for the content of his songs
14 February 2017
The Constitutional Court nullifies the Parliament’s resolution on holding the referendum
13 February 2017
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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