4 posts
9 May 2007
The young man had filed a lawsuit against the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Policía Nacional for torture in the course of his arrest on April […]
Prison regimeRights to free expression and assembly14 June 2018
Following the investiture of Pedro Sánchez with the support of pro-independence parties, the debate on the transfer of the political prisoners involved in the 1 […]
Politicisation of justicePrison regime28 June 2018
In response to requests from the polical leaders held in Soto del Real prison (Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez) and Alcalá Meco (Carme Forcadell and […]
Prison regime11 November 2020
The representatives of PSOE, PP and VOX on the Bureau argue that the Civil Guard acted as judicial police. A few days later, Marlaska states […]
Politicisation of justiceRights to free expression and assembly