In response to requests from the polical leaders held in Soto del Real prison (Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez) and Alcalá Meco (Carme Forcadell and Dolors Bassa) Supreme Court Judge Pablo Llarenaconfirms that there is no procedural drawback preventing them from being transferred to prisons located in Catalonia and reinterates that in any case, the decision should be taken by the Penitentiary Institutions Secretary-General, which reports to the Ministry of the Interior. The Minister of the Interior Grande-Marlaska confirms that procedures are under way to transfer them to Catalonia. With regards to those imprisoned in Estremera, on 29 June, Llarena confirms that there are no procedural reasons against transferring Oriol Junqueras and Raül Romeva and confirms the same on 3 July for Jordi Turull, Josep Rull and Joaquim Forn who had made the request later.
3 July 2018
The imprisoned leaders involved in the 1 October referendum are transferred to Catalan prisons
3 July 2018
28 June 2018
Procedures commence to transfer the political prisoners to Catalonia
27 June 2018
Llarena upholds the order of prosecution and asks for a 2.1 million euro joint bond
26 June 2018
The Supreme Court rejects all appeals against Llarena’s interlocutory judgement
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