29 December 2023

Roger, a young man from la Cerdanya, is sentenced for his participation in the general strike against the beginning of the trial against the leaders of the 1 October independence referendum


Roger participated in the general strike against the leaders of the 1 October independence referendum, called by Intersindical-CSC. In la Cerdanya, several people, in a human chain, blocked road N-152 in Puigcerdà. The Mossos d’Esquadra intervened and arrested two people. Both were charged but just proceedings against Roger followed its course. According to the Mossos d’Esquadra’s version, which the judgment follows, the young men would have injured an agent. The defence asked the adjournment of proceedings for the possible application of the Amnesty Law, but Girona Criminal Court number 3 refused. The court sentences him to three months in prison and 4,000€ for the crimes of resistance against the authority and injuries.

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