5 October 2022

Roger Torrent and other former members of the Bureau of Parliament go on trial before the High Court of Justice of Catalonia


Various former members of the Bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia – the former president, Roger Torrent (ERC); the former first vice-president, Josep Costa (JxCat); the former first secretary, Eusebi Campdepadrós (JxCat), and the former fourth secretary, Adriana Delgado (ERC) – are tried for disobedience. The Prosecutor’s Office calls for one year and eight months of disqualification from public office and a 30,000-euro fine for Torrent, Costa and Campdepadrós, and one year and four months of disqualification from public office and a 24,000-euro fine for Delgado. In the second session of the trial, Costa, acting as his own defence lawyer, leaves the courtroom because he does not recognise the authority of the court to try him.

Post 1103
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