28 September 2022

Eulàlia Reguant and Antonio Baños go on trial for having refused to respond to VOX’s questions during the Supreme Court trial against the leaders of the 1 October referendum


Eulàlia Reguant goes on trial before the Supreme Court rather than a lower-level court, given her status as a CUP MP in the Parliament of Catalonia. The Prosecutor’s Office is seeking four months in prison and disqualification from public office on the charge of disobedience. Reguant testifies in Catalan and states that she did not want to answer the far right, which represents fascism, racism and sexism, in the course of the trial against the 1 October referendum leaders. The next day, Antonio Baños is the one to go on trial, in his case before Criminal Court no. 30 of Madrid. The Prosecutor’s Office lowers its sentencing request from six to four months of prison time and disqualification from public office, also on the charge of disobedience. Baños will not testify because the judge, after having denied him an interpreter, does not allow him to do so in Catalan.

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