22 November 2022

Seven pro-independence activists go on trial in relation to their participation in the protest over the failed investiture of Puigdemont


The trial against seven pro-independence activists who protested in the Ciutadella on 30 January 2018 in support of the Puigdemont’s investiture takes place on 22, 23, 29 and 30 November, with over 30 Mossos d’Esquadra officers testifying before the Provincial Court of Barcelona. Though the Government of Catalonia ultimately withdrew from the case, three private prosecutions have been brought. The lawyers argue that over the course of the trial, no evidence has been provided to prove any criminal offence. The former first vice-president of the Parliament of Catalonia, Josep Costa, testifies that parliamentary activity was not jeopardised on the day of the incident, as it was suspended at the time. One of the defendants is Josant, who had already been sentenced to six months in prison and a 1,400-euro fine in relation to the protests against the Spanish Council of Ministers meeting in Barcelona on 21 December. The Court removes him from the case, arguing that he should be tried in separate proceedings. The Prosecutor’s Office will ask for three years in prison for the crimes of public disorders and assault on the authority, and for the crime of injuries fines and damages to the Mossos d’Esquadra.

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