Òscar Valdés had been working for Ryanair for five days when the Human Resources department informed him that Aena, Spain’s airport operator, had refused to clear him to work at the airport, and notified him that his contract had been terminated. He contacted Aena, which didn’t give him a reason, but they had been told it had to do with the Spanish Interior Ministry, specifically the State Security Forces and Corps. When Valdés later went to the Civil Guard, they checked his identity document against their database and told him that he has been in the database since 2020 as an individual under investigation. After he said that the case had been dismissed, they asked for a criminal record certificate and a document from the Figueres courthouse, which the court official refused to give him. He was finally able to hand the criminal record certificate over to the Civil Guard, which replied that everything was in order, but that according to headquarters in Madrid, it was on record that he was at the protest at La Jonquera. In May, the Vueling-subcontracted company he was working for hadn’t renewed his contract either.
22 November 2022
21 November 2022
20 November 2022
One of the individuals under investigation in relation to Tsunami Democràtic’s roadblocks at La Jonquera reveals that the Spanish State made him lose his job
18 November 2022
17 November 2022
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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