1 February 2018

Soto del Real and Estremera take disciplinary action against Sànchez and Junqueras for campaigning from prison


The Disciplinary Commission of Soto del Real imposes a sanction on Jordi Sànchez prohibiting him from going outside for 30 days for the telephone messages he recorded for a JxCat campaign meeting for the 21 December elections. On the same day, the Estremera Disciplinary Commission imposes a similar sanction on Junqueras (ERC), in his case for 15 days, for an interview with Rac1. Sànchez appeals the sanction before the Penitentiary Surveillance Court, who later confirms it (on 2 March and again on 26 March). Sànchez presents an appeal for protection that is admitted by the Constitutional Court on 17 July.

Post 369
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