Spain’s Ombudsman asks the Secretary-General of Education of the Government of Catalonia for ‘complete and up-to-date information’ on the measures taken regarding the use of Spanish in classrooms and other group spaces in schools, at all education levels. The Ombudsman says that he’s seeking to address the concerns of individuals and groups that contact the institution regarding the teaching and use of Spanish in schools, and to prevent any ‘harassment or discomfort’ students might face in relation to the use of Spanish. Specifically, this is his response to the complaint presented by the Asamblea por una Escuela Bilingüe, which had claimed that there is an ‘overt campaign by the Catalan government, nationalist unions and associations to strictly supervise the use of Catalan, both by students and teachers, inside and outside the classroom’.
11 November 2022
10 November 2022
3 November 2022
Spain’s Ombudsman intervenes concerning the use of Spanish in Catalan schools
28 October 2022
Adam Camón arrested after failing to appear to testify on two occasions
26 October 2022
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