26 March 2019

The Constitutional Court rejects the appeals for protection presented by Serret and Comín, calling for Llarena’s recusal; and by Rull and Turull, calling for Marchena’s recusal


The plenary session of the Constitutional Court unanimously decides not to accept the appeal for protection presented by Meritxell Serret and Toni Comín against the decision not to recuse Pablo Llarena, the investigating judge in the case against the leaders of the 1 October referendum. The Constitutional Court also rejects the appeal presented by Josep Rull and Jordi Turull against the decision not to recuse Manuel Marchena or other members of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court who are supposed to judge the case. The appeals had initially been accepted for consideration, but the court now decides not to accept them because all other legal avenues have not been exhausted.

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