The Court of First Instance of Ghent considers that the crimes for which Valtônyc was convicted are not crimes in Belgium and therefore, the criterion of double incrimination is not met in order to extradite him. The crimes for which he was convicted are glorification of terrorism, lèse majesté and threats. The Prosecutor’s Office of Ghent submits an appeal against the decision of the judge of first instance, which will have to be resolved by the Court of Appeal in Ghent. On 7 November, the Ghent Court of Appeal sends preliminary questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) before making a decision on extradition.
25 September 2018
19 September 2018
17 September 2018
The Court of First Instance of Ghent rejects the extradition of the rapper Valtònyc
14 September 2018
The National High Court confirms the conviction of the rapper Pablo Hasél
13 September 2018
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