The lawyer representing the former secretary-general of Catalonia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Aleix Villatoro, as well as others under investigation by the Examining Magistrate’s Court No. 13 of Barcelona in connection with the organisation of the 1 October referendum, presents an appeal before the Senior Court of Barcelona against the assignment of the case to Court No. 13. The lawyer’s argument is that Juan Antonio Ramírez Sunyer (head of the court until his death) was hand-picked for the case because of his closeness to Carlos Lesmes, the president of the General Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court. On the 14th, the senior judge dismisses the request.
17 January 2019
16 January 2019
Jose Téllez convicted for a crime of disobedience
8 January 2019
The defence challenges the assignment of the case being tried by Court No. 13
27 December 2018
21 December 2018
The Spanish government’s Council of Ministers meeting is held at the Llotja de Mar in Barcelona
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