The High Court of Justice of Catalonia issues two rulings that annul the language projects of the Bogatell and Josefina Ibáñez d’Abrera schools in Barcelona for not guaranteeing that at least 25% of the teaching will be in Spanish. The two sentences thus recognise the right of minors to receive an education that includes Spanish as a vehicular language ‘in a reasonable proportion,’ that is to say, with a minimum of 25% of teaching in Spanish. The Government of Catalonia presents some appeals against the sentence but in August 2022, they are rejected by the Supreme Court.
31 March 2021
29 March 2021
23 March 2021
The High Court of Justice of Catalonia cancels the language projects of two schools for not complying with the 25% Spanish sentence
22 March 2021
18 March 2021
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