The Civil and Criminal Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia opens a new investigation against President Quim Torra for an alleged crime of disobedience for not removing a banner with a yellow ribbon from the balcony of the Palace of theGovernment of Catalonia as he had been ordered to do by the same court following a complaint brought by pro-Spanish association Impulso Ciudadano. The investigation stems from the Administrative Chamber’s request for the Criminal Chamber to look into possible criminal charges against Torra, and the decision to open the investigation is made by judges Jesús María Barrientos, Mercedes Armas and Carlos Ramos, who had already participated in the previous case against Torra for disobedience. As such, Torra calls for their recusal, but his request will be rejected on 22 June by the Special Chamber of Recusals of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia.
5 February 2020
4 February 2020
The National Police agent who injured Roger Español on 1 October is identified
3 February 2020
The High Court of Justice of Catalonia opens a new investigation against President Quim Torra for not removing a banner with a yellow ribbon from the balcony of the Palace of the Government of Catalonia
31 January 2020
Ponsatí is officially recognised as an MEP and the Supreme Court asks for her immunity to be waived
31 January 2020
Toni Albà is acquitted of a crime of slander against the Spanish police forces
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