20 September 2022

The High Court of Justice of Catalonia overturns the acquittal of a Mossos d’Esquadra officer who injured a protester during the demonstrations against Felipe VI’s visit in 2018, but Barcelona Provincial Court will acquit him anew.


The Provincial Court of Barcelona had acquitted the officer of the charge of causing injuries, as it had not been sufficiently established that he had caused the protester’s injury. The High Court of Justice of Catalonia, on the other hand, argues that the Provincial Court of Barcelona’s assessment of the evidence had been erroneous, incomplete and unreasonable. As such, it overturns the previous verdict and orders a new trial to be held. Nonetheless, Barcelona Provincial Court will acquit him once again in September 2023, a year later. The Court will consider that there is no enough evidence to sentence him, and according to the principle “in dubio pro reo”, he is acquitted.

Post 1099
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