4 November 2016

The mayor of Berga is arrested for refusing to take down the pro-independence flag from the Town Hall


Montserrat Venturós, the mayor of Berga, is arrested by the Mossos d’Esquadra for not appearing to testify as an investigated party before the First Examining Magistrate’s Court in Berga. The court is investigating her for an alleged crime of disobedience for having refused to remove the pro-independence flag from the façade of the Town Hall during the campaign for the parliamentary elections on 27 September 2015 and the general elections on 20 December 2015, as ordered by the Regional Electoral Board. On the same day, Venturós is released on bail. The Court will end up filing the case on 1 March 2017, but the Prosecutor’s Officewill appeal it to the Provincial Court of Barcelona.

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