16 November 2020

The petition against Puigdemont, Comín and Ponsatí has been reopened


The the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs discusses for the first time the lifting of the immunity of Carles Puigdemont, Antoni Comín and Clara Ponsatí to allow the execution of the European Arrest Warrant issued by the magistrate of the 1 October case, Pablo Llarena. After being halted for months due to doubts about the possibility of carrying out the procedure remotely and at the proposal of the President of the Committee, the MEP of Ciudadanos Adrián Vázquez, it has been decided to reactivate the petition electronically with the support of the legal services of the Euro Chamber. On the same day, they are summoned to a hearing at the Committee for 7 December. The three MEPs called for the hearing to be adjourned on the grounds that the Committee had not yet dealt with a series of objections regarding the procedure that had been brought to its attention (the lack of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court; the lack of impartiality of the President of the Committee and the rapporteur of the case, the ultra-conservative Angel Dzhambazki; the failure to translate the documents presented, etc.). All three have finally been summoned for 14 January 2021, but the Committee will not address any of the procedural issues raised.

Post 845
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