Online newspaper elMón reveals that the Prosecutor’s Office is continuing to conduct several secret investigations into various pro-independence organisations that carry out street protests, such as Acció per la Independència and L’Estaca. Both associations are said to have organised or encouraged symbolic initiatives such as the liberation of different Catalan municipalities. The Prosecutor’s Office of Girona reportedly initiated a preliminary investigation that is still open and has already informed the Prosecutor’s Office of the National High Court, as it believes it can be incorporated into other secret proceedings. The prosecutors are said to be investigating sabotage, vandalism, ‘kale borroka’ (street struggle, a term associated with Basque nationalist violence) and destruction, all in relation to pro-independence protests. They are also reportedly looking into the organisations behind several initiatives, including protests considered to be illegal. This would explain the Prosecutor’s Office’s appeal in the case of the roadblock on La Jonquera organised by Tsunami Democràtic: the prosecutors want to see if, in the future, they can link any of the people under investigation in the case to actions carried out in 2021 and 2022. The Prosecutor’s Office has asked for a temporary dismissal of the case, rather than the full dismissal ordered by the Examining Magistrate’s Court no. 4 of Figueres.
15 December 2022
Congress passes the reform of the Criminal Code
12 December 2022
4 December 2022
The Prosecutor’s Office continues prosecuting grassroots pro-independence activism
30 November 2022
29 November 2022
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