9 May 2018

The Prosecutor’s Office requests for the case against El Jueves to be filed, but the judge continues the prosecution due to the private accusation by the police officers


The Twentieth Examining Magistrate’s Court of Barcelona investigating the case against Guillermo Martínez-Vela and Joan Ferrús, director and deputy director of the satirical magazine El Jueves, in relation to a comical piece in which it is hinted that Spanish National Police agents consume cocaine, decides to close the investigation and agrees to continue to prosecute because there are indications to suggest a crime of slander towards the National Police force. The defence submits an appeal to the same court. Meanwhile, the Public Prosecutor’s Office requests for the case to be filed and refuses to act as a prosecution, so only the private prosecution by the Police officers remains open. On 22 November, the Court dismisses the appeal for reconsideration, and the Provincial Court of Barcelona will rule on the appeal.

Post 449
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