10 May 2018

The judge files five of the nine reports against teachers from Institut El Palau


The Third and Seventh Examining Magistrate’s Court of Martorell file the case for crimes inciting hatred against five secondary school teachers from Intitut El Palau in Sant Andreu de la Barca. Specifically, the Prosecutor’s Office accused all the teachers of a crime of harm to dignity and five of them a crime of serious slander. They are under investigation for having made ‘derogatory’ and ‘humiliating’ comments towards the Civil Guard and to students who are the children of officers. The Third Examining Magistrate’s Court maintains proceedings against a teacher under investigation for discriminating students, while the Seventh Examining Magistrate’s Court continues investigations against three teachers for their involvement in the 2 October referendum. The Prosecutor’s Office, together with the Spanish Association of the Civil Guard, announces that it will submit an appeal to the Provinvial Court of Barcelona. In July it was revealed that eight of the nine teachers under investigation are requesting to change schools for next year. Finally, nearly 30 teachers at the school are asking to be transferred given the situation.

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