The Constitutional Council meets urgently in an extraordinary plenary session and accepts the appeals, leaving in abeyance all the contested provisions. The Constitutional Court (TC) once again sends warnings to the government, the members of the Bureau, more than 900 mayors, the heads of the Mossos d’Esquadra and the directors of the public media. Hours earlier, during the ordinary plenary session, the Constitutional Court had admitted the appeal for execution of Constitutional Court ruling 259/2015, also submitted by the Spanish government against the parliamentary resolutions that had allowed the debate on the law, which are also suspended.
8 September 2017
8 September 2017
7 September 2017
The Spanish government submits appeals against the Referendum Law, the decree calling the referendum, the decree on measures to organise the referendum and the resolution appointing the members of the Electoral Commission
6 September 2017
The Civil Guard searches the Indugraf Offset printing house in Constantí
6 September 2017
Law on Referendum is approved by Parliament
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