The Second Examining Magistrate’s Court of Girona initiates legal proceedings against three firefighters and two senior officers from the Girona Fire Department, accused by the Prosecutor’s Office of embezzlement of public funds and unjustified absence from the workplace. The case also affects 10 other firefighters in the department, making for a total of 15 employees under investigation. The case was triggered by a complaint by the Civil Guard against the firefighters’ march in front of the Civil Guard headquarters the day after the 1 October referendum to protest the police violence. The defendants testify separately on 20 November 2020 and 15 January 2021.
12 April 2019
12 April 2019
Ciudadanos again brings TV3 before the Central Electoral Board
10 April 2019
Three senior officers of the Girona Fire Department summoned to testify
9 April 2019
The Constitutional Court upholds Bassa’s pre-trial detention
8 April 2019
The case against Miquel Buch for the organisation of the 1 October referendum is reopened
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