9 September 2019

Torra calls for the recusal of two judges of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia


President Quim Torra calls for the recusal of two of the three judges of the Criminal Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia, which will try him for an alleged crime of disobedience for not having complied with the Central Electoral Board’s order to remove a banner with a yellow ribbon from the balcony of the Palace of the Government of Catalonia. The defence brings the recusal against Jesús Barrientos, the president of the Chamber, in light of several public statements he has made demonstrating his opposition to the Catalan independence process and because he participated in the proceedings when the complaint was accepted for consideration, a circumstance that also affects Mercedes Armas. On 11 October, the High Court of Justice of Catalonia’s Special Chamber Recusals dismisses the recusal. In any case, these proceedings cause the court to postpone the oral hearing, initially scheduled for 25 and 26 September, to 18 November.

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