The Sixth Examining Magistrate’s Court of Figueres agrees to proceed with the case against Marta Felip, the mayor of the city, for an alleged crime of disobedience. The judge argues that Felip ‘actively’ participated in the referendum, enabling the use of 15 municipal facilities in full knowledge that the Constitutional Court had prohibited the the referendum. Felip had already appeared before the judge on 18 September 2018 under investigation for these actions. The case will move forward and Figueres Criminal Court number 2 sets the date for trial in February 2023 for a crime of disobedience.
9 September 2019
Torra calls for the recusal of two judges of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia
6 September 2019
The National Court suspends Pablo Hasél’s first conviction and he is not sent to prison
5 September 2019
The Sixth Examining Magistrate’s Court of Figueres decides to proceed with the case against the mayor of Figueres in connection with 1 October referendum
26 July 2019
The Court of Auditors fines Mas 5 million euros for the 9 November consultation
26 July 2019
TV3, fined again for ‘violating information neutrality’
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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