President Quim Torra decides to remove the banner with the slogan ‘Free political prisoners and exiles’ and the white ribbon that he had hung the day before from the Palace of the Catalan Goverment and replace it with a banner reading ‘Freedom of Opinion and Expression. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ to comply with the Central Electoral Board’s new order to remove pro-independence flags, ribbons and ‘partisan’ banners during the election period. The same day, in response to a query from the Mossos d’Esquadra, the president of the Central Electoral Board authorises the new banner, a decision that will be confirmed by the Central Electoral Board on 27 March.
25 March 2019
23 March 2019
The case against a mechanic from Reus is dismissed
22 March 2019
Torra obeys the Central Electoral Board’s ruling to remove the banner in support of the political prisoners from the Palace of the Government of Catalonia
21 March 2019
20 March 2019
Roger Aguayo testifies before a judge
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